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Bob Bailey is the owner and principal consultant of Outcomes Consulting Services, a consulting organization that provides project and program management, strategic planning, meeting facilitation, tech-based economic development, and evaluation and assessment services. Bob has over 25 years of experience in technology-based workforce and economic development and 15 years of experience in industry. His background involves the blending of strong technical skills with extensive planning and management skills. 

Most recently he has served as the Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Engineering and Research (CAER), a regional organization formed to develop an industry-focused regional research and development center in Virginia. The CAER supported the development of innovative products and processes by improving access to university and federal research and inventions. Bob also provided executive management services to the SoVA Innovation Center for TVWS Development, a collaborative R&D center with a mission to develop and deploy TVWS technology for rural broadband applications.

He is a native of Lynchburg and graduated from E.C. Glass High School in 1976.  After graduating from the College of William and Mary with a B.S. in Physics (graduated with High Honors) and spending a year as a teaching assistant at Duke University in physics, Bob joined Limitorque Corporation (now Flowserve) as a sales engineer.  Over the next 15 years, Bob held a series of positions of increasing responsibility in all areas with this manufacturer of industrial equipment. His experience included positions in sales, marketing, technical support, manufacturing, and management.  Positions held include sales engineer, program manager, sales support manager, service manager, and product manager.  Industries served include nuclear power, petrochemical, utilities, HVAC and marine.

Bob was the founder of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Association, a non-profit industry trade group in Virginia dedicated to promoting manufacturing as an attractive career choice and providing education and training opportunities in manufacturing, and served as Executive Director of AMTEC, a training center that was a collaboration between industry and Central Virginia Community College.  Bob has also served as Executive Director of the VCCS Institute for Excellence in Advanced Technology.  In this position, Bob worked with all 23 colleges in the VCCS to develop advanced technology programs, market the ability of the VCCS to deliver these programs and promote collaboration among colleges and industry in advanced technologies such as biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, electronics, CADD, and geospatial technologies.  In addition, he has close to 20 years of experience with the National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education (ATE) program.  He has served as a project manager for NSF-ATE grants as well as serving on National Visiting Committees and as an external evaluator for multiple NSF grants (ATE, STEP, S-STEM) at other institutions.

Bob has served on numerous boards and groups for a variety of organizations.  These include the Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium, IEEE working groups, curriculum advisory committees, advisory board for the Sweet Briar College engineering program, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Chairman of the Valve Repair Council, Center for Climate Strategies, Vector Space, Churches for Urban Ministry and William and Mary’s Alumni Admissions Network.

Non-profit Experience:

  • Support for the establishment of the Virginia Innovative Nuclear Hub (VIIN Hub), a 501(c)(3) organization focused on scientific research and education

  • Being one of the founding members and chairman of the Valve Repair Council, a non-profit trade association promoting OEM and OEM certified repair of industrial flow control equipment

  • Creator of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Association (AMTA), a non-profit member association promoting manufacturing as an attractive career choice and providing education and training opportunities in manufacturing

  • Six years’ experience serving as Association Executive of AMTA

  • Founding member and officer of a local SME chapter, a non-profit professional development organization for manufacturing professionals

  • Working with Workforce Investment Boards (WIB’s) and local Chambers of Commerce

  • Led the creation of the Region 2000 Research Institute (dba CAER), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a focus on applied research and science education as a driver of economic development.

  • Board of Directors and Board Chair for Vector Space, a non-profit maker space organization

  • Board of Directors of the Center for Climate Strategies, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides expertise and assistance needed to develop and implement solutions that meet immediate and long-term climate, economic, energy, environmental, and equity goals.

  • Board of Directors for local non-profit charitable service organizations such as Jubilee Family Center and Churches for Urban Ministries.